
Dhaka GM-IM Chess Tournament

Chess Aspirant Club and Bangladesh Chess Federation are honored to invite players to participate in the “Dhaka GM & IM Chess Tournament” the event will be held in the capital of Bangladesh in Dhaka.

Playing System

There are two groups: GM group rating category & IM group category. Number of rounds: minimally Round Robin 9 games, maximally Round Robin 11 games in each group.

Time Control

90 minutes + 30 seconds increment per move starting from the 1st move.

Default Time

60 minutes

Entry fees

GM group: 2381-2450
Entry Fee (USD)
IM group: 2231-2300
Entry Fee (USD)
Below 2301
400 USD
Below 2150
400 USD
2301 to 2350
300 USD
2151 to 2200
300 USD
2351 to 2400
250 USD
2201 to 2250
250 USD
2401 to 2450
200 USD
2251 to 2300
200 USD
2451 to 2500
150 USD
2301 to 2400
150 USD
Above 2501
100 USD
Above 2401
50 USD


We will guide you and provide you with transport from the Airport to the Hotel and Hotel to the Airport.


There are many hotels around the venue with costs ranging from 3500 BDT to 5500 BDT per night. The venue is a 20-minute walk or 5 min Rikshaw Ride Which is (50 BDT) + 10-minute walk from the nearest hotel. We will help players find the best cheapest nearest hotel.

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